
Meditation in a Virtual World

Technology is often shunned as a distraction from the art of meditation.

However, during this time of quarantine & isolation, our regular schedules have been changed to reflect a virtual world. Feelings such as anxiety, loneliness and depression have become extremely high. However, there are still resources available to help to improve our overall well-being. People with all levels of interest and experience in meditation can share ideas, resources, and experiences which we can integrate into our daily lives.

Lotus Pose - a  meditation posture. The way the legs are entwined serves as a firm, stable base for the rest of the body to stack on top of, and enables one to sit motionless without much effort. You can try doing this with your laptop in front of you.

With beautiful scenery before my eyes and music in my ears, I’m far better able to center myself in the moment than when I try to clear my head on my own. Immersed in a world of your own, you can step away from the stresses of reality to a gentle, calming environment. You may choose a mantra - a sound, word or phrase - as the focus of your meditation. The mantra can either be repeated aloud or internally: both ways have their own benefits.

Meditation brings about actual changes in your brain: particularly in the areas that are responsible for our response to stress.

Below are a few sims for meditation, relaxation and exploration.

Let's use SL to bring positivity into each other's life - Namaste

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