
Crafting the Perfect Profile

So, I  was thinking about profiles today.  I wondered what information do people look for in profiles? What information makes you want to even bother talking in local chat or IM a person? 

Your profile is your initial presentation to the (virtual) world. It can say a little or lot. Remember that there is no such thing as the perfect profile. There is, however, the perfect profile FOR YOU.   

  • Something is better than nothing - If you’re struggling to write about yourself, don’t sweat it. Get something down and come back to it later. The whole point of a profile is to let us know something about you so that we can make the decision to say hello or not.
  • No Ex’s - Maybe it’s for the best to leave your baggage out of your first impression.
  • Talk about your interests.
  •  Avoid being negative. You wouldn’t feel drawn to someone if you got a negative vibe from their profile, so you shouldn’t do it either.
  • Here is a tip - end your profile asking a question. This opens the conversation and lets your profile serve as the first message giving the other person a prompt for opening up the conversation. 

Your profile should be your milkshake that brings all the boys (or girls) to the yard. I love profiles that make me laugh with cleverly crafted lies and propaganda. :P

My best advice is to be yourself and be imaginative.  If you want to meet people in SL, use your profile to stand out from the crowd. 
literally have fun with it. So long as it shows who you are on the inside, it’ll be sure to get someone’s attention.

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