
Your Personal Interests Can Guide You to Potential Business Ideas

There's no magic here, you just have to do the basics of any start up business.

Setting up your Venue

  • Deciding on a business model - The number of opportunities available is really only limited by your imagination. I'm a firm believer that anything you want to do can be done. The trick is knowing what you want, finding what others want, figuring out a way to provide both what you want and what your targeted customer base wants and then dedication and patience.
  • Designing the performance space - See what is already out there and then think of unique things you might add to the SL experience with your venue. 

Examples of in-world enterprises run by residents:

  • Party and wedding planner
  • Pet's
  • Tattooist
  • Automotive manufacturer
  • Fashion designer
  • Custom avatar designer
  • Jewelry maker
  • Architect
  • Real estate
  • Clubs

Give yourself and your venue a clear identity and stick with it - people won't always remember the name of where they've been, but they will talk among themselves about going back to "that place that did such and such". Find yourself a unique theme/concept/idea and build outwards from that. It's not even fun sometimes due to the work you have to put into it only to find that no one comes that's where the dedication comes in.  Also, be prepared to spend more lindens that you expect to spend getting the word out about your new place.


  • Event Planning - you will need to know how to create and mange a group.
  • Marketing - You MUST advertise. Where you advertise depends on the nature of your business, but you must find the right places to promote your products. Don't be afraid to try different and multiple approaches. 
  • Event management - My advice is to find a job hosting at a venue that interests you or is of the same type of establishment you have in mind for yourself.  Work your way into managing the venue for the owner.  Pay attention to what is required to make your customers loyal enough to keep coming back.  Get an idea of just how much goes into making a venue successful enough to justify keeping the doors open.  
  • Interacting with Promoters, Agents, Managers and Talent - Tell them exactly what you expect of them, and help them into the role. And then show them, by example, how you want them to behave when your back is turned. Each person who works for/with you is an ambassador for your venue - treat them as such, with a good wage structure and a good reward package.

The very best wishes with your adventure.

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